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Sunday, June 6, 2010

We won't sell KLCC"

Petronas' new chief, Shamsul Azhar Abbas, engaged the Editors for the first time yesterday afternoon at the Petroleum Club, KLCC. He marked his 100th day at the President and CEO of the national oil corporation on May 25.

Shamsul on Shamsul:
''I'm a Malay and proud of it ... I don't believe in spoon-feeding".
"We are Malaysians and ready to compete".

On the appointment of non-Malays at Exec VP level (Is it a deliberate and forced attempt at being 1Malaysia?):
"It's not 1Malaysia concept but a need to bring in industrial experience. (Their appointments) are based on competence. We need ideas to grow. External infusion".

On how transparent he's going to be:
"Even though Petronas is not a Plc, it does not mean that we can't behave like one ... in the name of corporate governance and transparency".

On Dr Mahathir:
"I bounce off ideas with Dr Mahathir (the Petronas adviser). So far I've been lucky with him".

On Omar Ong:
"The kind of questions he's asked at the Board is always penetrating and challenging. We've got an active board".

On his succession plans:
"The next CEO will come from inside Petronas. The Prime Minister says that's how it should be. The Advisor also wants it that way".